TPC Group Governance

TPC Group is committed to conducting business ethically, legally, and with integrity. While conducting business globally, our employees uphold the highest ethical and business standards. Compliance is driven by TPC Group’s Compliance Committee and Compliance Program through policies and initiatives delivered by cross-functional teams.

The TPC Group Business Conduct and Ethics Code (BCE) summarizes many of our principles and policies to ensure we conduct our global business in a way that is both ethically consistent with our values and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

All our employees receive annual BCE training and must report any suspected violations. We have an ethics hotline and investigate all reports. Our One TPC extends beyond our legal requirements - it means doing the right thing. We also expect our suppliers and contractors to uphold similar values and standards.

TPC Group’s Compliance Program provides oversight regarding the Company’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards and the Company’s policies and procedures, and to drive improvements to compliance systems through targeted initiatives. TPC Group’s Enterprise Risk Management program is applied by our management and Board of Directors to identify potential risks that may affect the company and to manage them within our business objectives and our Long Range Plan.

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