Our Commitment to Operating with Integrity
TPC Group is committed to conducting business ethically and legally. Our employees are expected to uphold the highest ethical and business standards no matter where in the world business takes them. The Business Conduct and Ethics Code (the “Code” or “BCE”) summarizes many of the principles and policies that we have developed to assist in conducting our global business ethically consistent with our values and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. All employees receive annual training on the Code. We also expect our suppliers and contractors to embrace similar values and standards.
TPC Group has many additional policies and procedures designed to ensure our employees act with integrity and in compliance with legal requirements. All officers and employees receive regular compliance training and are expected to be familiar with the Code and TPC’s other policies, and apply them in the daily performance of their role and responsibilities.
Ethics and integrity issues can be complex. We expect and welcome questions about the Code and how it applies to our employees’ responsibilities. Employees are also obligated to report any concerns about possible violations of the law, the Code, or any other corporate policies. We encourage our employees to raise questions or concerns to management, Human Resources, Legal, or by using the Ethics Hotline.
The Ethics Hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is accessible online or by telephone from anywhere across the globe. The Ethics Hotline allows anonymous and confidential reporting of violations and provides a confidential way to ask questions.
All reports submitted to management, Human Resources, Legal, or the Ethics Hotline are handled promptly and discreetly. We will fairly and thoroughly investigate all reports. We do not tolerate retaliation against anyone who raises an issue or concern in good faith.
Our commitment to operating with integrity goes beyond the law. It means every TPC employee is responsible for acting consistently with our culture and values and doing what is right.

Report online:
www.ethicspoint.com or www.tpcgrp.ethicspoint.com
Call toll-free:
(888) 331.6512